Lobster Moon Tarot

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Are you sidestepping your life path?

If you’re not listening to the nudges that the Universe gives you…

Our understanding of this reality can in some aspects seem as a chaotic hot pot, when looking at all shades and expressions of life. It might be difficult to see the patterns of the very fabric that creates this reality and to harness all the potential and richness that you can have. How do you know that you are not missing out on any treasure that is yours, just because you think that what you currently have is okay?

“In a situation that is neither brilliant or shitty there are no real clues and incentive to make a big change, so you stay in your situation trying to tweak it, even if it’s itching a bit”

It could be worse, you think to yourself. It is true everybody has their challenges in their lives, even those who are materialistic fit to live the best life in supreme comfort. There are always ways to talk yourself out of doing a big change in your life out of pure comfort, simply because you know what you have, but what not what you can gain. This is where our biological programming comes into play. It wants to keep us safe at all costs, so venturing out into the unknown seems daunting… Daunting enough to make us stay around the warming fire in safe surroundings, if we can. Also social context could make you stay in a situation, because it seems the sane thing to do, according to what people do with their life. Grow up and move out from your parents, hang out with your friends, date people, be in some relationships, then meet the one, get married… You know the drill. So having a pull in a direction leading to getting off the beaten path will seem as a wild idea, maybe even insane and therefore our brain will reject it.

“But what you don’t know is that this may be your soul's wisdom calling on your attention and not only a crazy idea out of the blue.”

So how do you recognize this voice within yourself? It is not a loud alarming feeling, like the body’s signals of danger, and it is not always the same as gut feeling, which I consider can apply to short term, quick decisions too. It is more like an overlay, very subtle. And it easily gets drowned by having too much external stimulus in your life. 

In 2020 I experienced how my life overturned. The day after having taken a decision to do a major change the blockage started to crack and the blessings started to pour out.

That’s why you need to create space and allow silence and stillness to be part of your life. Meditation is a good idea, but not for silencing the mind, but to be able to differentiate the sensations of your thoughts and feelings from who you truly are and to be able to hear your higher self’s wisdom. If you practice meditation you will notice that someone is observing your thoughts and feelings from a place outside. Who is this spectator? It is you. Because in the state of meditation we experience that we are not our body; nor the thoughts and feelings we have.

“We are an indestructible soul. This is basically the true purpose of meditation, to not let your biological and social programming clutter and dictate your health and the size of your dreams and aspirations, but to listen to your true purpose and align with your higher self.”

So what if you think you are living to your fullest potential but you’re not? It is important to point out that nothing in the Universe can rob you of what is yours. Instead, what you are doing is delaying your bliss. You are self sabotaging. 

It might be a relief knowing that the universe always has your back. You will get signs and nudges from the Universe and also from yourself. 

Yearly spread by Jade

Signs and nudges could be:

  • A subtle feeling that something is missing

  • An overall claustrophobic sensation

  • You are not sensing any direction

  • You are emotionally flatlined

  • A feeling of not being able to move

  • You don’t feel enough and are struggling with your lack of self worth 

  • You have wild dreams in an unknown setting/you are traveling but never get to your destination 

  • You dreams includes a duality/paradox component, which can symbolize that you are not aligned with your true self or your life path

  • Nothing seems to be working out for you

  • You don’t see how things could be any different

  • It is all grit and no fun

  • You have a feeling of going around in circles

  • You are staying inside the box

  • You are wondering if this is all there is to life and feel disappointed

  • You secretly wish you were somewhere else

  • You feel like the wrong person in the wrong position 

Above could be signs of major blockages in your life, which are caused by you staying at a place or in a situation too long for your own good, which would be equal to venturing from your life path. To leave the path you were meant to follow doesn’t mean that life is fixated and that you have no free will. For me life paths are similar to the sport, orienteering. You have your map and your checkpoints and then it’s up to you which road you will take: the long one or the short, over the hill or around, through the swamp where you are or over the log further away. The alteration to the sport is that there are sometimes several of the same checkpoints, while for some there is only one, for example meeting a twinflame.

“Being nudged by the Universe could also mean that you have not learned life lessons connected to your current situation which will make you experience that you attract the same situation into your life over and over again, even when you try to move on. For these situations a medium, tarot reader or an *akashic records reader can give you guidance.”

So if any of the above describes where you are, then maybe you are sidestepping your life path, meaning not being aligned with your true calling.  After having subtly tried to direct you several times and you were not listening, the Universe will exercise tough love, by overturning your life as you know it. You will experience a tower moment, as tarot readers call it, referencing “The Tower” card in the major arcana. This time you will not be able to ignore what the Universe is calling for, what was not built on a stable foundation will come crashing down. It will hurt when you hit the ground and you will believe that you’re out of luck, that you have lost something essential, but legit… This is a blessing that comes disguised as a mare dream, so embrace change when it’s calling to you and make the changes needed before the Universe will punch you in your face!

I’m adopted and my paperwork says that the child have been chosen for adoption, for the child’s bright future. This photo is taken at Arlanda Airport and depicts my adoptive mother (to the right) holding me for the first time. The other woman flew from South Korea together with me and another baby girl.

*Akashic records

In the religion of theosophy and the philosophical school called anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane…

(From Wikipedia)