Lobster Moon Tarot

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“I have woken up from the matrix to the matrix.” This realisation was sudden once it struck me…

This information is my own understanding from observation and experience of this reality, and some of this knowledge was channeled. - Jade

When talking about the Matrix, the first thing that may come to mind is the movie “Matrix” that was released in 1999. If you do a Google search with this word, your search results will show the movie. Even though the movie depict an awakening from what Neo thought was reality, it is only a metaphor for a spiritual awakening. In reality, there’s no Morpheus and no pills.

“I have woken up from the matrix to the matrix.” This realisation was sudden once it struck me. 

Also I have a deep understanding that knowledge and technology has been lost along the way. It is so easy to buy into the conclusions and the biases that humans collectively have of history, but we have to remember that it’s an after construction. We forget it when we in awe look at the pyramids in Giza and wonder how they could have built them with only simple tools. It’s a conclusion we make, that the world used to be more primitive, but earth actually had a higher vibration than now, but through people’s actions it sank to become this heavy place it is today.

“This world is primitive compared to what it used to be. We have lost our connection to the divine, our inner being and we are on the wrong frequency to be able to connect with higher frequencies. So there’s no wonder we don’t get to experience the wonders of the old world”

By the world having fallen in vibration, this shadow grid of heavy energy has been created by the collective. It’s an imbalance in a system.

We are a compound of two different polarities and the universe does not value any of those differently. Either could not survive without the other.

So talking about the matrix as something evil that we need to escape is to simplify it, when we in fact have two different aspects of the matrix. The word matrix is derived from Latin ‘mater’, meaning “mother”. We can’t escape our own mother, our origin. Remember that everything is one!

Still I want to make a distinction between what I call “the divine matrix” and “the shadow matrix”. We are part of both and they are both aspects of us manifested into the external.

The Divine Matrix • Creativity 

We could separate the ‘divine matrix’ from the ‘artificial matrix’, where we are the ‘divine matrix’. This is the shard of our ‘over soul’ and ‘highest consciousness’ expressed in each and everyone of us. We all have different missions on earth. Being part of the matrix is one, that could part of a double-mission. Therefore lightworkers are spread across the globe to help out with the transmission of higher consciousness. 

The Shadow Matrix • Consumption 

The shadow matrix is an aspect of the divine mateix where we, as a collective, are expressed through the ego aspects causing it to be a distorted version of what we actually are, the divine matrix. Addiction to mindless activities and being caught up in the state of excessive consumption, leads to temporary pleasure or fast and easy kicks. Instead of living in our creative force, we have become distracted consumers, satisfying our brains.

Photo: Efe Kurnaz

If we cave into negative feelings such as fear, greed, rage etc, our shadows can create hell on earth. Look at how media chooses to cover news and the behaviour of how people speculate and consume fear based conspiracy theories. 

When talking about the shadow matrix, there’s not an evil agenda behind what’s going on, but it doesn’t mean that people won’t take advantage of the situation. It may look as if there is a deliberate plan behind because it is so widespread. Remember that it’s because of people’s fears of looking into the depth of themselves, afraid of confronting their own shadows. Instead of taking accountability of them, they externalise them through filtered through masks. When I say they, I mean we, because we all do this to some extent. Often without being aware of it.

“This is the reason we won’t be able to fix humanity with the help of technology. Why should we, when we have all tools we need within ourselves?”

Technology can only fix our broken mirror temporarily, but not what it is actually reflecting back to us. There’s no war against an enemy, the only war is against ourselves!

“The only way you will ever awaken is through silence, not through analyzation of facts. Not by sorting out good and bad, but through simple silence, letting go. Letting go of all thoughts, all the hurts, all the dogmas and concepts. Letting go of these things daily.” - Robert Adams

So I woke up and I realised that we are the matrix. To transform its expression we need to transmute the shadows within. We are whole and complete, not broken. So everything comes back to ourselves taking accountability for our own energies and to balance Yin and Yang within. It’s a matter of perspective. We need to change how we experience internally, in order to shift externally. I don’t say it’s easy, or else we wouldn’t be here.

As within, so without. As above, so below.