Lobster Moon Tarot

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Spiritual awakening!

Have you heard your soul’s call yet?

A spiritual awakening marks the time you wake up and begin to question everything, old beliefs, habits, and social conditioning. Essentially, you are experiencing the world differently than you did before. The term “awakening” literally means that you “awake” and remember that you are so much more than what you’ve been told by others and what you’ve told yourself. Anything can trigger a spiritual awakening, however usually it is triggered by life-changing events for example, losing your job, moving to a new place, an accident, a mid-life crisis etc. or people who open a spiritual "door" for you, for example, someone breaks your heart, or you meet your twin-flame or soulmate.

“A spiritual awakening is your soul evolving and expanding; however, it is also a painful experience”

Going through a spiritual awakening often feel difficult, lonely, and strange. During this awakening process you most likely feel confused, foggy, and like something is “off”. Oftentimes a spiritual awakening happens in conjunction with an experience known as the Dark Night of the Soul. This may sound terrifying - and it absolutely is! But don’t be scared. Fear is a part of it. You have to learn to trust the Universe. The Dark Night of the Soul is a purge, it’s a destruction of the old you i.e., outdated beliefs, identities, habits etc. to pave way for the new you, new ways of being. Just like a snake you are shedding your skin. However, before you can upgrade your consciousness the Dark Night of the Soul asks you “Are you really ready for this?”

“This period is raw, no mercy-type of shit, but it is an important step to expand your consciousness and awake to something bigger and brighter”

All great spiritual teachers have undergone a Dark Night of the Soul. For example, Eckhart Tolle has said that his Dark Night of the Soul “felt as a collapse of a perceived meaning in life, an eruption and a deep sense of meaninglessness. However, you awaken into something deeper because it’s the death of the ego.” Put differently, it’s a kind of re-birth. It’s the death of your old self and the birth of your new self.

So, even though this period is painful and difficult, the reward is amazing, and you would never want to return to your old self. Ultimately, being “awake” means living a meaningful and beautiful life from your soul instead of the ego. The awakening is your soul calling for freedom, authenticity, and connectedness. Have you heard your soul’s call yet? Have you answered?  

Photo art by Brooke Shaden

Some signs you are having a spiritual awakening:

-       You feel weird, disconnected, confused and question your reality.

-       The things that usually excites you don’t anymore.

-       Your dreams are more intense.

-       Your relationships change.

-       You feel a longing for something more.

-       You begin to see people’s intentions more clearly and you become sensitive towards inauthenticity, manipulation etc. 

-       You experience more synchronicities, déjà vu, angel numbers occur regularly.

-       You want to clean out for example throw away old clothes.

-       You change your habits without thinking much about it.

-       You feel more connected to nature.

-       Your priorities changes, certain people, places, practices feel more appealing to you.

-       You become curious. You want to learn more about yourself and the world.

-       You want to know why you’ve come here.

-       You wish to discover your soul’s purpose.

Some signs you are experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul:

-       You feel disconnected, isolated, and alone

-       Your mood is often low or even melancholic

-       You feel despair when you think about the world and how we humans are living

-       You feel an immense tiredness

-       You keep pondering the deep questions of life e.g., “what is the meaning?”

-       You feel like you don’t belong

Please note that these lists are far from exhaustive as there are many more signs. You can find various tests to see if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and/or a Dark Night of the Soul. Or you can ask the tarot cards for wisdom.

“During my own Dark Night of the Soul, I continuously pulled the Tower and Death cards”

Basically, it was the Universe telling me to accept my own ego death and disruption of what has been build, and to let go of (my perceived) control and instead trust the process of my own re-birth. Although you might experience pain and fear trust the path and release resistance – the Universe has your back, it is always working for you not against you.