Lobster Moon Tarot

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The Virgin, The Empress and I

Brass Mary on my garden altar May 2022

The Virgin and I

Though I have never been a religious person, the Virgin Mary has always followed me. Maybe because we share the same name in Danish, Maria… Maybe because she has decided to watch over me and guide me through life. A clairvoyant woman, with no prior knowledge of me what-so-ever also told me this a few years ago… I was surprised by the woman's abilities but not by the message, as I have always known that. 

One of my very first tattoos I got as a teenager was of the Virgin, a kind of “blasfemia” version holding a gun, but non the less, on my shoulder forever. I have a tiny rather corny plastic version of her hanging on the wall in my sacred space and a beautiful brass version sits on my garden altar and spreads her fertility vibes surrounded by greens and flowers.

“Her gentle and loving appearance seems calming, protecting and nurturing to me”

Every time I have traveled to southern Europe or Mexico where the icons of the Virgin or Guardalupe are everywhere I have felt strongly connected to her, like a “ I see you pretty lady, thanks for following me” kind of vibe. Always happy to see her and I always stop to say hi if possible. 

This one has follow me since my late teens. It was gifted to me by an admirer who liked my Mary tattoo.

The Empress and I

To me the Virgin is also an iconic symbol that aligns perfectly with the Empress card of the tarot. The Empress is actually my personal tarot card too. (Find your personal tarot card HERE). It is kind of funny as both the Virgin and the Empress have that divine mother, matriarchy, fertility vibe to them, and here I am, a happy and childfree woman by choice.

“But as I see it, being motherly does not necessarily mean giving birth to human babies. Same with fertility, it does not have to be about getting pregnant or carrying babies”

That is just a small part of the essential meaning of being motherly or fertile. Being motherly can be so many things, being protective and supportive of one's partner, family, friends, dog or parrot. And fertility can be about making things, ideas or people grow, mature and bloom, in your garden, at work, in your art, your community or in your creative process. 

A few of my favorite Empresses. The Moon Power Tarot, The Hayworth, The Black Tarot, The Blue Birds, The Stunning Tarot, The Tarot of the Holy Spectrum, The Gothmancy and the good old Rider Waite Smith…

The Empress wants us to find peace and harmony, within ourselves, in relationships, in the process of finding our own path, greatest good or highest self. She will watch over us while we tremble and fall, make mistakes and learn our lessons. If we need it she will give us a helping hand or let us know that we are not alone in this World, someone loves us, watches over us and protects us. 

The Empress is in the element of Earth and nature or a blooming garden is where she thrives. She has a strong connection to Mother Nature, some would even claim that she is Mother Nature herself.

“She is definitely one of the most nature loving, holistic, organic & eco friendly, “peace, love & harmony” hippie cards of the tarot”

She understands and teaches us that we are all part of nature and that nature is part of us all. 

We could also find her at the end of a grand dinner table, overseeing everything, making sure we are all fed, happy and content. She is happy when we are happy and she cries when we cry… 

The Empress is also in correspondence with the planet Venus. (Funny fact my Venus is in Virgo) She rules everything about love, devotion and passion. She is both the virgin and the whore, the mother and wife. A feminin force of nature basically. 

Her counterpart, partner or soulmate if you will is ofcourse the Emperor (funny fact my husband's personal tarot card is actually the Emperor). The Emperor is the yang to the Empress’  yin. They are in many ways opposites but yet they are part of the same whole. His masculinity compliments her femininity and together they rule their empire with love & compassion, fairness & structure. You cannot have one without the other, something essential would be missing. The divine mother and father archetypes of the tarot taking care of business. 

The altar in my scared space. June 2022.