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Your personal Tarot Card for 2023

What is your personal tarot card of 2023? Your tarot card of the year is the major arcana tarot card that lays out the theme of the new year for you. See guide below to calculate! Enjoy!

Your personal tarot of the new year.

Your tarot card of the new year is describes your theme for the new year and basically gives you information about the essence of your personal growth of the year, your strengths / weaknesses, your aspirations and goals. It also gives you an anchor for help and support throughout the year. Tap into the wisdom and lessons of your card and get to know yourself better, appreciate who you are and to give you some direction in the new year…

How to calculate your tarot card of the new year:

Your birth month + your birth date + birth year+ 2023

Reduce the number til you get a number below 22.

EX: Your birthday is March 21st, so you add all the numbers until you get a number under 22. So in this case… 3+2+1+1+9+9+9= 34 + 2023 (3+4+2+0+2+3) = 14. Your personality card is Temperance. 

So go ahead and calculate your numbers and find your card of the new year. I have created a small and fun overview of the major arcana below, this is just the surface of the cards and if you wish to dig deeper into this please research more about archetypes or the major arcana, search the internet or look the cards up in your guidebooks to learn more. And remember to have fun with this little nerdy exercise.  <3

If you liked this little exercise please check out this older blog post about calculating your tarot birth cards (personality and soul card) <3

Black Tarot - The Hayworth Tarot - Gothmancy Tarot

0 (22) = The Fool

The new year will bring you new beginnings, adventure, fun and offers new chances for you to take. You are riding of a wave of bold bravery, “anything is possible” and fearlessness. You will feel the urge to try new things, meet new people, travell and live a carefree life. 

1 = The Magician

The new year will bring you closer to master creativity, magick and manifestation.  You will get the opportunity to create something amazing and out-of-this-World and the visons to find magick in all that you do, using the tools at your disposal. You will feel an urge to make a ritual out of everyday tasks and when all the elements are present (air, water, earth, fire and spirit) you will feel at your best.

2 = The High Priestess

The new year will bring you closer to master the power of trusting your intuition and embracing the dark and spiritual side of life. You willcreate connections to the unknown mysteries using your intuitive skills and instincts. You will find it intriguing and natural to make decisions based on what your gut feeling tells you and deep dive into occult topics.

The Stunning Tarot - Tarot of the Holy Spectrum - Autonomic Tarot

3 = The Empress

The new year is all about love, devotion and abundance for you. You will engage incommunity activities, offer support to those who need it and to spread good vibes all around. You will feel the urge to spend time in nature surrounded by peace, love and harmony. 

4 = The Emperor

You will be stepping into leadership, security and structure. Balance, calm and protection are more important to you than ever. You will find yourself being a spaceholder and rolemodel for others.  You will cherish times when all is peaceful and you are protecting those around you.

5 = The Hierophant

This new year is all about spirituality (of your choice), tradition and education for you.  You are being drawn to any kind of educational and structured spiritual teachings.  You will learn and appreciate to go by the book and follow the examples of those who came before you.

Mystical Medley Tarot - Inversion Tarot - The Outsider Tarot

6 = The Lovers

The new brings partnerships, balance, duality and looooove for you. You will feel a need to work for equality, cooperation and harmony through relationships of any kind.  You will find peace and serenity in a dedicated partnership surrounded by beauty and good vibes. 

7 = The Chariot

You will learn to master the balance between dominance and submission. Focus, willpower and determination. You can and will create great things that you can be proud of and be recognized for.  This year will take you to the top of your game and your ambitions will be be fulfilled. 

8 = Strength

You will learn to master gentle leadership of love and respect and decision making from a heart centered place.  This year will bring balance between mentoring and letting go of control.  Your leadership will bring a sense of everybody getting respectfully and peacefully along. 

Moon Power tarot - Carlotydes Tarot - Rider Waite Smith

9 = The Hermit

Your theme of the new year is solitude, wisdom and spiritual visions.  You will find enlightenment in creating a space to thrive in your own company and in this space you will find meaning and purpose. You are being called to walk your own path, study or go on a solo quest for wisdom.

10 = Wheel of fortune

You will experience that you hold a firm belief in destiny, random luck and that the Universe will always catch you if you fall. You will come to believe that you create your own luck and fortune.  You will get a solid feeling of being in sync with the Universe. So follow your bliss and take some chances.

11 = Justice

Your theme of the new year is all about law, fairness, balance and rules. You will be able to create justice, equality and structure, on a big or small scale. You will get a feeling of everything being in alignment with the common rules and structure and this will empower you. You will work for the prospect of everybody getting their fair share. 

The Gold Lyre Tarot - The Viator Somniorum Oneiromancy - Mystical Dream Tarot

12 = The Hanged Man

This new year will bring you the gifts of meditation, thoughtfulness, dilemmas and reflection. You will be successful in creating a space of peace, rest and self discovery through mindful reflection. Make sure you have the time and space for letting issues or dilemmas be solved through mediation and introspection. This is paramount for you this new year.

13 = Death

Re-birth, transformation and resurrection is the themes of the new year for you. Creating a safe space for leaving behind old worn out structure and to transform into a new and better version of yourself, is paramount for you.  You will find empowerment in seeing the end of something bad in your life so you can prepare for the next phase and level up.

14 = Temperance

Your new year will be about creatung a life of harmony, balance and spotting synchronicity.  You are getting closer to find alignment between body, mind and soul. Spend your year exploring your dreamworld, staring at the sky or creating beauty. 

True Heart Intuituve tarot - The Modern Way Tarot - Hayworth Tarot

15 = The Devil

Your new year will involve over-indulgence, temptations and dominance, but without breaking your neck. You will find a secret a place of pleasure, desires and brutal honesty. You are at your best this year when embracing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.

16 = The Tower

Deconstruction, failure and breakdowns is themes of your new year. Through the liberation of these things you will be able to rebuild, restructure and get up again when life knocks you down. Even when everything is crashing down you will be able to see the lession and start to plan how to reconstruct everything all over again.

17 = The Star

In the new year you will learn to master and develope your intuition, imagination and create positivity. Serenity, peace and light are the themes of your new year. You are at your best when all your planets are in the perfect position in the night sky. 

Autonomic Tarot - Gothmancy Tarot - Black Tarot - The Stunning Tarot

18 = The Moon

Shadow work, secrets and occultism are the themes of your new year. You will learn to create alignment between your domesticated pet, your inner beast and your subconsciousness.  Pay attention when to the full Moons of the new year, when everything is being illuminated and exposed is when you are being called to work. 

19 = The Sun

A good year of gratitude and abundance lays ahead for you. Spiritual surplus and a focus on the bright side of life. Lots of days of feeling warm and cozy, with happy people and love around you.

20 = Judgement

Your new year will be about truth, resurrection and finding your true calling. You are being summoned to create direction for the lost souls and you can create a dedicated following of seekers.

21 = The World

Your themes of the new is the cycles of life and death, beginnings and endings. The constant flow and trust in the process. You can easily remove blockages or stagnation in your life and everything will flow effortlessly for you. 

Disclaimer: This blog post is meant to be a fun and easy way to start your own deep dive into the mystical world of your personal tarot cards of the year and should not be seen as the ultimative truth of how this is done. Do more research to gain greater knowledge and different insights. 

Have fun!